first exhibition

The real thing
acrylic, apple, pear, banana, tomato, pepper

If you see them from side, you can see the rest of real surface on the bottom.  

First year student's exhibition at triangle space in chelsea 
6-10 December 2010

I have been working with a installation which disrupt perception of everyday objects. As can be seen, I painted colours on several fruits and vegetables with acrylic and hid the surface. The surface is flat and mat, and each object represents one colour except for the stem. Finally I put them on the floor.

This work is a continuance of my past work. I started to think that there was something important told by not being able to see a part of an object because I saw a photo which depicted a standing woman in a park but there was no point of contact between feet and ground. It showed just above her knee. It made me anxious and uncomfortable. Then choco-banana( one of a sweet banana coated with chocolate and you can see it selling at stall in festival in Japan.) hinted me because I hate the look and feel uncomfortable. I covered a banana with yellow and an apple with red. As a result of my experiment, I found the following.

-an interest which is a change of our familiar things we are used to seeing.
-a difference between typical image colour to apple and banana and real colour.
-a confusing sense of two-dimention even it is three-dimention.

In the other project, I enjoyed putting apples on a road intentionally and seeing the audience's reaction. The reason why I did is that I was seduced by impressive and accidental scenery such as just one apple left on a road when I came to London for the fist time. It is because of distinction from my country. I have got an interest in response to familiar things by people.

In this work, I painted completely different colours on fruits and vegetables, for instance making an pink and blue apple. By showing the red, pink and blue apple together as a group, the red apple would seem to be more real by the contrast but its surface is not real. I like this confusion of the sense.

The volume, form, inside and stem are real but only the surface is artificial. This effect provides disruption of an image we have got in our head.

Kaoru ishikawa    

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