Liverpool Biennial 2010

<City States>
A series of international exhibitions exploring the culture dynamics between cities and states
CONTEMPORARY URBAN CENTRE 18 September - 28 November
CUC (Contemporary Urban Center) is great place for exhibition. I usually don't watch films in museums because withe cube is uncomfortable for me to watch it  long time. But CUC is like a house then I can enjoy watching films.

Julie Andree T
Four Hands (Left) Dinner Date (Right)
2007-2010 Video

Both of two films are impressive. Above one is a scene took from the top that people moving and the desk, looks like a game. The upper one is a girl who is performing with herself on the screen. We see double layer on the film. The ideas are very nice and exciting.  


Liverpool Biennial 2010-Tate

Tate Liverpool
Daniel Spoerri
Prose Poems  1959-60

Spoerri called his relief works tableaux-pièges (picture-traps), because they involved fixing or 'snaring' objects found in chance positions on table tops or in drawers. These were hung vertically on a wall, like conventional pictures, and were intended to create visual discomfort in the viewer. In this work, the remains of a meal are preserved on a wooden board that the artist used as a table while living in a small room in a Paris hotel. The title derives from the book by the Swiss poet Robert Walser (Dichtungen in Prosa, or 'Poems in Prose').

I was surprised the pink wall! It was really exciting and we could see works different sense from ordinary. I felt more excited than usual. 

Jamie Isenstein
Empire of Fire 2010
There is a bound and hung fire hose at the end of the artist’s real hand on the wall in the corner of the space.  Some audience members were very surprised at the slight moving of the hand and realized it was her proper hand, but they almost did not.

Jamie Isenstein explores interplay of performance and sculpture, contesting the status of sculpture as an inanimate object.  By inhabiting the artworks with her own body, Isenstein combines sculptural practice and endurance performance art with elements of absurdist humour.”